“A Bitch is a Female Dog”
A culture of "ratchetness" is only as strong as its ratchet parts. In this vast culture of "Me myself and I," the Black Woman's race towards the boardroom took a detour. In her insistence that no "special attention" or modifications be made on her behalf, she screamed for a fair fight!! And that's exactly what society gave her. Upon her entrance into the ring however, her opponent was no longer the battle of "breaking the glass ceiling," nor was it "equal pay for equal work." A more heftier opponent revealed itself. But in her attempt to be all things to all men, she thrust herself into the ring. Few knew the ramifications of a few hidden clauses within her "contract to greatness." To her detriment, somewhere hidden on page 96, column 7, paragraph 4 was a "clause" that would ultimately be her undoing. It seems to have been placed there as a buffer by a "subculture" to ensure her success, working as her virtual "cheerleader" against the machine. However It has proven to be the hefty, hidden cost paid in advance for her dissimulation from her appointed role.
Each blow she endures in her struggle for emancipation comes with a counter blow of degradation and a "right cross blow" to her identity, financial security, and her "cost to be the boss." Her "cut-man" of self-affirmations, and encouragement is no match for her opponent. He cannot contain the the Carnage.The once present protection, esteem, and admiration which she contractually agreed to, has somehow been overshadowed by her current reality and it has left the "feminist movement" gasping for air in the corner. In her attempt to "never let them see you sweat" and to "give better than you get," her "corner," in it's brokenness, advises her to enact the "punch" of the reverse perversion. "It's the ole 'Nigger' versus ‘nigga’ effect" And like many "effects" it has brought down some strongholds, while perpetrating others.
The women of today have gotten into the ring with a competitor whose far-reaching 'right hook' has landed us confused perplexed and looking ridiculous all over the world and most visibly over social media. This unbalanced, dazed, "punch-drunkenness" that we stumble around in, has left all onlookers shouting for a "call" by the referee.
Our process of using "reverse perversion" has backfired! Our approach of gleefully turning something bad or wrong into a positive in order to affect a more powerful situation is skewed at its inception in this area because it's genesis was never positive! Our failed philosophies and track record of taking the "sting" out of a word should prove to show us our trajectory. When a culture gives way to a subculture who has lost the fight for respect, the end result is what we are facing today. African American women will go the way of the African American man in the reclaiming of his royalty.
Ours is a "punch- drunkenness" seen in boxers and alcoholics, to date. It has been caused by the repeated cerebral, concussions and contusions to our brains and our pride. It has weakened us. Our limbs which once reached out to family and community as nurturers, have now been atrophied with selfishness, and self-aggrandizing behavior. It has castrated us to the point that we have accepted it's "count!!"
Until we change our own narratives and replace our coaches, trainers and corner men, with factual, sound scriptural foods for our souls, this broken scenario of the wannabe "Boss chicks," securing the bag, is going to perpetually land us face down on the mat. Ladies, you are not a "bad bitch," and you are not a "boss bitch," you are a phenomenal woman. A woman who at times has to hold down the fort, keep her family intact, nurture the world, suckle the children, and be that voice of reason in an unreasonable world. Our failings stand before us- "We cheered when we should have corrected, and we propped up what we should have pulled down" it is now time to manifest and positively reaffirm who We are.