Amber Brieanna Rogers
The Power of The Pen©
Author Amber Rogers, is a former educator, an international author, writer and the former CEO of The Kristin Hughes Publishing Corp. Her book “Mama, Why Didn’t You Help Me?” was used as a teaching manual at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee on childhood abuse and incest. After making the rounds on the various talk-shows such as The Oprah Winfrey Show,© The Sally Jessie Raphael Show,© and many others, she retired to the quiet life of Southern comfort. Her witty and straight-forth humor is born of reflection, Spiritual enlightenment, and her love of words. Amber has toured the country spear-heading “round-tables” on the effects and devastation of childhood abuse. She is a contributing editor and researcher for The Sir Walter Jones Show© out of Chicago, and her works can be found within the Milwaukee Public Library System.