Learning to Dance
~by Amber Rogers
“Rest in His Arms and Let Him Lead…
~Let Him Lead~
The ballroom goes dim, couples disperse, he reaches for your hand... "let him lead."
He draws you from your comfort zone, gently lifting you to the place you belong
Onto the empty floor, it's you and he... "Let him lead."
All eyes on you as you rest in his arms
breathing his breath
enamored by his charms.
The world swirls beneath your feet
you're dizzy from the music's beat...as you let him lead.
Feel his weight, match his gait, hold him tight, you are his delight exhale with all of your might and just...
"let him lead!"
~To Our Leading Men:
The very essence of a woman is her emotions. It is the artery to her heart, it is the breath that she breathes and is present in the love that she gives.
The make- up of a woman's being is estrogen- which fuels depression and anxiety in women during those hormone-producing, years. God designed us that way; to be the more sensitive sex, and to aid us in the nurturing of life that we will bring forth. However, he never meant for us to be unstable, irrational or impetuous. We are to be seasoned in all things and balanced. The love of a Godly man towards his wife will nurture her wholly- mind, body, and spirit. She will be his rib, and he will be her head.
However, when men drop the ball in the care of their women, it leaves her vulnerable, naked and uncovered. So, as a result, she has learned to run to her female counterparts for Solace. It is understandable it is nature's way, but therein lies the Counterfeit. When men shut down the avenue of communication between them and their women he inadvertently cuts off their connection. Instead of feeling criticized, please understand that women need to talk about their pain. Whether you are the direct result of that pain needs to be explored and remedied. It may be uncomfortable at times but the antithesis of growth is stagnation. Brothers, please don't close the window on your lady's feelings. Bite the bullet, feel her pain, understand how you could or could not have attributed to it, and then do what she needs you to do as your woman- cover her. Cover her in your love, strength, honor, understanding, and respect. Submit to her "innateness." Then, take her out onto the dance floor of life, so that she can let you lead!