When you are number 45, it is amazing the things that you can do! The stories that you can weave from the fabric of truth, and turn them into your very own "bestest" idea in the whole wide world! When the United States abandoned the Kurds it was and still is a foreign policy nightmare for us and has weakened our influence in the world as an ally- we can no longer be trusted. Syria, (the Kurds) are a group of people who fought alongside us in trying to defeat Isis. When we abandoned them we did, in fact, turn our backs and "left soldiers on the battlefield" vulnerable to fall into the hands of Russia or Iran. Unconscionable!!
When Trump threatened to pull back from the Kurds last fall he knew his intent, yet there was no preparation made to make this a smooth, conscionable withdrawal. I don't think it's really an argument over "should we have" versus "how we did"... the latter shows the impulses of the ruler of the free world to be that of a compulsory child! When he does not like the elements of the game, he grabs his marbles and goes home! That's the problem. And now, Trump wants to sit back on his throne of impulsivity, and glean the respect from allies regarding the recent capture and execution of Isis leader, Baghdadi! We should all grimace in pain, knowing that this great feat was in part on behalf of these same Kurds whom we turned our backs on. But somehow in the make-believe world of Donald Trump, he and he alone, he, and his staff alone, he and those who "he" sent, are the true heroes.
The devastating thing about "collateral damage" is that it is a euphemism used by U.S. military officials to mask their large levels of death and destruction. Any "hit dogs" along the way that holler are just that- hit dogs! There is no honor in it, it is just a fact of war. As we listen with deaf ears at a jubilant Trump, exhorting to the world that "he died like a dog," how poetic are the feelings of the Kurds, as Trump takes his "victory lap" upon the hits off of their backs? Because they are, after all, only collateral damage...