Spiritual Aristocracy?
by Amber Rogers
“Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.”
Col 3:9-11
The attitude or behavior of a person or group who regard themselves as belonging to an elite often exclusive higher upper echelon and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others. An elitist says; "I am the top of the food chain (or in this case the spiritual echelon) because I have achieved this great feat of knowledge, restraint, and insight. Unfortunately, that spirit of haughtiness is soo prevalent in the churches today that it's running neck to neck with witchcraft. As I begin to look at the people who are bucking up the most against teachings which compel us to “search out the scriptures for ourselves,” there is one common thread amongst the resistance and that is: 1.) This group of resistors are either young in the Word and afraid to let go of tradition, or
2.) They are this same group of self-appointed prophets, prophetess, bishops, apostles, pastors, and preachers who aspire to corral God's people as "their" sheep and build spiritual empires unto themselves. They lord over them with rod and staff in their hands in an attempt to keep their legs weakened and hobbled. Their congregants live in 'spiritual want' and are always in the need of a revival, a casting out service, or deliverance from spirits! There is always a separation between "them," (the elite) and "they" the indebted, needy, hungry, parishioner. Often these elite saints have long arduous testimonies of "how they got over" and the proverbial "you can be just like me in your spirituality if you do like I say" attitude,
Or "how dare you think that you could live a life in liberty and grace and still make it in?" (hence my calling it witchcraft.) The elitist's need to control even the grace, mercy, and favor of God, will always be their calling card. It is the plight of their "traditions" that will forever keep God's Church stagnant and the saint's hands tied unless we can break free of this self-inflicted bondage.