In honor of Martin Luther King Day…
"Your Racism is stifling”
by Amber Rogers
In life, I've learned that when dealing with people who don't understand or respect the long-term effects of racism upon Blacks in America, that It's my responsibility to either KNOW something or SAY something. But I must choose wisely because these are my pearls. They have been afforded me, by the blood, sweat, and tears of my ancestors. I can KNOW that you will never get it... Or I can call your lack of empathy and understanding, just what it is -ignorance and SAY something. Either way, it's your choice to receive or not. I have one job and one job only and that is to KNOW it and walk longer is it my life's burden to carry or spoon feed you from the trough of my sheer existence. No longer is your education my responsibility.
I will not "Black" down, or dumb down because you don't like the texture of my hair, the thickness of my hips or the haughtiness expressed by the position of my chin as I glide pass you, unbothered! Because again, you haven't paid the price for my pearls and you see no value in them. Going back and forth with ignorance and comparing horror stories as to your stance vs. mine, is an exercise in futility because "swine can't tell the difference between pearls and dung." Ijs🤗