There Will Be No "Resting in Peace"...
“Without the Prince of Peace”…
It's amazing how people are so traditionalized and overly sensitive to truth when it comes to dealing with death, the afterlife, and our role as their guiding shepherds. If the deceased person has lived a cantankerous life contrary to the will of God and his ordinances, upon their death, even the most boisterous Christian will take a back seat to his fate. We will slyly glaze over every scripture-pointing arrow, away from his appointed truth, and in submission, divert it down the dead-end corridor of "May he rest in peace."
When Christians can no longer decipher between "resting in peace" versus "your eyes will open up in hell" then we are the problem and not the solution!! When we expose light to the world, we are told that we are insensitive, and course. "It's hurtful to the family that remains".. so we shut up, get through the funerals, and we swallow it down instead of us taking the matter back to scripture- Luke 16:23 to be exact, where the rich man died and lifted up his eyes in hell.
He begged, "Father Abraham" to allow Lazareth to dip just one of his fingers in the water and bring it to him to soothe his suffering only to be denied and reminded of the "fixed gulf" between himself and Lazarus, just as today, there is a gulf between the saved and the unsaved.
"Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. (Luke 16:27)
Our job is not to pacify the sinners on their broad roads of imminent destruction, nor placate the hell bound! Our job is to extend the life-line of Jesus Christ to a dying world destined to spend eternity separated from the Creator. Few of us have the wherewithal, or spiritual fortitude to cut to the chase and get the job done! Our feet are too fixed apart- straddled between political correctness, and the heretical teachings of an all-inclusive, non-judgmental, all-loving God, that we have fallen victims to our own self inflicted
"What is lost is lost, but what is alive can be saved. Let us pray for clarity of mind, and the boldness of spirit to do our first works and remember our great commission. Let's take on the urgency of the rich man in hell ..and reach back for all of the brothers who will surely
meet this same fate.”
~Forever, Amber