“Its not about Kanye, it’s about the Church!”
by Amber Rogers
“The "Body of Christ" is a living breathing functioning organism whereby upon matriculation, it is designed to carry, protect and nurture each believer. It is, in fact, a spiritual "prototype" of the gestational, developmental, incubator needed for each believer's growth.”
It is during this pivotal time of development that its "blood of life" and it's contents come into question. It is indeed the "Rhesus Factor." As "protected" as that new, growing, fetus is, within the walls of his mother's uterus, it does not stand a chance if the "blood" is working against it. According to Ephesians 4:16, we are fitted and held together by every supporting ligament. And through love, we nurture and build up each other. We are to be a fortified, well-oiled, intricate, system of checks and balances. Each member joined and supported by the "blood" of Him which gives us life. His oxygen-rich, "blood" moves from our lungs to our hearts, through our pulmonary veins, and is our Life-source! It feeds, nurtures and sustains our lives.
However, as with all intricate, life-supporting systems, when there is the presence of a foreign intruder within this "system" the body is designed to attack, track down and identify the culprit! And in many cases, the body will fight within itself to kill off any entity which she deems an enemy of destruction within her walls- even at the peril of the baby. It is called the RH- factor. The Rhesus factor (not to be misinterpreted as the "Jesus factor" or the "Yeezus factor") is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're RH-positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're RH-negative.
When the mother (the host or the "body") is RH-negative, her immune system treats RH-positive fetal cells as if they were a foreign substance. The mother's body makes antibodies against the fetal blood cells. These antibodies may cross back through the placenta into the developing baby. They destroy the baby's circulating red blood cells. It is referred to as "RH incompatibility."
This inherited protein covering the fetus's blood is not always the recipe for abortion because it can and must be treated to bring about a healthy baby and protect the life of its host (The body.) There is no wishing away of the protein, there is no "willing away" of its presence, it must be "treated" in order that this baby can spring forth in all of its vigor and become a thriving, functioning, sustained, part of the "body." So, do we throw out the baby with the bathwater? The short answer is no. Because it's not about the "baby" it's about the "body." It's not about "Kanye" it's about the "church." This beautifully-formed body that was made to dispel threats, at times needs to be RH sensitized with an injection of immune globulin. And the baby needs to be monitored. Then and only then will the pregnancy bring forth its viable offspring.
Christians have been given a paramount responsibility as commissioned guardians of the Word. Those of us in leadership have to be able to host both the infirmed as well as the healthy, nurturing them both in a hospitable environment. It is the will of the Father to bring forth a full-termed, viable, convert, covered in His blood and purified. Any needs or "treatments" along the way, is "par" for the course. In the natural, as well as the spiritual, when red blood cells are broken down, they make bilirubin which stunts growth, causes jaundice, affects the baby's brain cells, it brings on seizures and retards the baby.
Yes, Church, "Jesus does walk amongst us," let's make sure that we foster a healthy "walk." Let's be vigilant in doing away with the possibility of a Rhesus Factor, by lifting up our "Jesus Factor" instead of our proclivity to support the unhealthy "Yezus Factor" because again, according to scripture-"From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." Ephesians 4;16