"Throw the whole generation away...”
"Here's some 'change' for you!"
(A rant from my lips to your ears)
by Amber Rogers
"You know what I'm sick of?... I'm sick of the Real- Housewives- of- Atlanta-Braxton Family- Love & Hip Hop- Basketball Wives-Boss- Chick-securing-the- bag-typed-weave- wearing-hair-pulling- beating the hell-out-of- each-other-in- the- parking-lot-of- the local- gas-station-while-your- best-friend-records-it- for-Facebook- type-foolishness that I see y'alls children and grandchildren participating in on our local news!... That's what I'm sick of seeing!"
Our backyards are filthy! But we continuously point at our neighbor's front yard trash. How in the name of all righteousness can we as an "all lives matter" screaming people expect to be taken seriously and respected if we continue to be cheerleaders for this type of foolishness?
Every Big Mama, Aunty Pearl, or any other symbol of decorum known to the Black community can be heard moaning in their collective graves over what we have become.
Shut up talking to me about "change" until you go back and pick up those loose nickels you've left on the ground in the form of your children. From the graves of our ancestors..."Throw the whole generation away!"...🥴