“Don’t do it my brother”…
This is in response to all of my "selfie" Kings and Queens who feel the need to snap, crackle and pop every move that you make- be it in the flesh or in the spirit. Your skills are impressive and well noted however, I'd like to present, for your perusal, the cautionary tale of "The Married Pastor With the Gift of Tongues." (Let's just let that marinate) while I expound...
The wiles of the devil are to destroy and obliterate. His ammunition is to utilize and counterfeit any advances that man has made, be it in the areas of technology, (our obsession with our self-images i.e. "selfies") or by using our own egos as a conduit for our self implosion... he does not discriminate! If you are being led by your flesh into extra-marital affairs, then he is just the guy to give you your 15 minutes of fame at the Church's peril! As leaders, when we allow our secret sins of omission or commission to run amok over and through our lives, the enemy will always seep through any cracks that we think are tied down, and he (the devil) will always be in the details! Unfortunately, when this seeping happens it will be at the detriment of the sheep!
Just because a pastor or leader has succumbed to weakness, during their faith walk doesn't necessarily mean that he wants or needs that fault plastered all over social media! Nor should he get up in an open forum and expose that weakness for all the world to see. When we have been overtaken in a sin, we need to go to the Father for restoration and forgiveness. We shouldn't run around the church seeking refuge and a shoulder to cry on to cleanse our conscience, or to appease our sin-sick, disobedient, souls from a group of "tares" who are themselves out of fellowship! This Latter-day church of the Millennials, these great "Christian appropriators," would just as well expose you to the world via "Facebook" to mock both you and God, for their own agendas, and retribution, quicker than they would hold a shut-in for your deliverance!
With all things being equal, we need to seek deliverance from God, without the world's interference. Ephesians 13:13 admonishes us...
"Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp." If it is necessary, we are to confide in a trusted Elder within the Body of Christ, to help in our fortitude as well as our restoration. That's it. That's all. Because we have to consider our faith walk and our witness of Christ as it impacts the unsaved! To do otherwise is a carnal, unscriptural, approach that is playing out to be a "catch-22" for the saints. This has to be approached with kid-gloves. I don't think that we should be hypocritical regarding our obstacles, however, when it comes to exposing a known infraction (or sin) against the Word of God, I don't feel that we need to take that (sin)to the pulpit in a braggadocious manner in order to get a point across.
As ridiculous as it sounds, I overheard a pastor the other day bragging to his church that he had gotten so angry that he cursed out a companion! The church laughed, clapped their hands, and high-fived each other in the delight of this pastor's confession of carnality, reiterating that they too were not "that saved!" They too "were not having it!" They too, like their leader, were saved "but not that saved"... ridiculous! There's a difference between giving your testimony of deliverance of where God has brought you from as opposed to what He's doing in your life restoratively. There are circumstances where our wisdom should supersede our arrogance. The world loves its own and they hate God's Church. Apostle Paul has given us many examples of "because you can don't mean you should" or for the more scripturally attuned I would say; "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not." 1 Corinthians 10:23