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Sometimes the teacher in me springs forth, and I have what I refer to as a “teaching moment” tis not for the faint of heart, so …look away.

1.) Prophet SADHU SUNDAR: prophesied to the American people on Oct.18, 2020 that the God wanted Donald Trump to be reelected as President in this upcoming election, and that there would be dire ramifications for the United States if they chose the wrong president. God will "wreak havoc and unleash severe judgment and punishment upon the United States."

* This does not line up with the word of God during a time of chastisement of his people, because:

a.) When God is chastising his people (which was apparent in the choosing of Donald Trump for the first four years,) God "placed" him at the helm to be used as his tool in an almost supernatural movement, with no help from us at all, With no need to partner with us in his decision.

b.) It was done to achieve His scriptural will for us, and was handed down to us through his Divine Providence, and by the reign of His Sovereignty for our chastisement edification and the achievement of his 'end.'

C.) There was no instructions to turn from our wicked ways, no admonishment toward us for change... only the prophet's partisan instructions for a political outcome. However God is not a politician. He is our righteous judge!

d.) The prophecy's outcome had its results embedded in the "qualification of sin," something that is not of God and not ordained by God therefore it could not be from God.

E.) God being omniscient, He understands the heart of man; that it is wicked, and deceitful and He would never sabotage his children in a lose-lose situation.

2.) TROY BLACK: prophesied in August of this year that "the biggest issue on God's mind today is abortion."

And therefore we need to vote for Trump.

This has to be a false prophecy because the so-called "prophet" is pitting God against his Word.

a.) By pushing an Evangelical agenda, many Christians have thrown down the Word of God and picked a false, Partisan Gospel which shows God as a respecter of persons who holds one life more dear than the other.

b.)"suffer the little children") which has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with the conditions of our hearts in accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

c.) Because God is a just God, He feels all of our societal pains and suffering in equal proportion; He cannot place their lives above the life of a 'George Floyd,' or the disenfranchised. The death, pain, and injustice hurled toward the heirs of Christ, is felt by the Father and is equally burdened upon his heart.

d )**He is no more grieved by one particular sin (abortion) than he is the sin of Donald Trump committing adultery on his wife, yet for partisan reasons, Trump's adultery is never grievous to the Evangelical, but the issue of abortion is- "all sin is sin in the sight of God!"

3.) PAT ROBERTSON: Two weeks ago he prophesied by saying: he asked the Lord and the Lord told him without question that "Donald Trump would win this 2020 election!" He went on to state that "after Trump is sworn in, then trouble is going to happen, and much civil disobedience. The Country will be torn apart... and there will be at least two attempts on President Trump's life after re-election. "During this confusion, the Ezekiel 38 prophecy will be fulfilled!"

🚩 The 2020 election was lost by Trump to now president-elect Joe Biden, hence rendering the rest of his prophecy null and void...

🚩 According to Eschatology, Robertson's insertion of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy

("The war of Gog and Magog") is completely out of place in today's time! And does not line up with the word of God, nor the events of the world that have to have been put in place!!

🚩A.) Israel is not living in peace, She is not living securely without walls, and unless we reference the "The Israel–United Arab Emirates Normalization Agreement," as the Anti Christ signing a peace treaty with Israel, (under the auspices of Donald Trump as Antichrist) then we are still not at that point!

🚩 Pat Robertson has proven himself to be over and over again a false prophet. Here are a few highlights for your discerning:

1.) *In May, 1980, Robertson told his viewers on the program The 700 Club, that: "the end of the world" was scheduled for autumn, 1982, specifying either October or November, though he later modified it to the end of the year. “I guarantee you"...He adds.


🚩 In 1982,Major Michael Jackson releases Thriller Album, Dutch Elm Disease destoys millions of Elm Trees, Tylenol capsules laced with potassium cyanide kill 7 in Chicago, Disney Futuristic Park EPCOT opened, and 1981-82 recession was the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression.

~In 1992 we were treated to a double prophecy in the early spring of that year.

2.(a) "God showed me earlier this year (1992) that George H.W. Bush would win a second term."

🚩 George H.W. Bush was defeated by Democrat, Bill Clinton! November 3rd, 1992

2.(b) "this will be a year of calm"...

🚩In 1992 the world underwent the violence of Rodney King, and the LA riots! These furious protests, shootings lootings, killings, Mass property damage, burnings and complete lawlessness was likened to the riots of the 1960's!

🚩55 people were killed, 18,000.00 arrested, hundreds injured in over 770 million dollars in property damages to cities around the country most notably Los Angeles.

3.) * In early 2012, Robertson prophesied on camera to Benny Hinn, and America, that Mitt Romney would win the 2012 election against incumbent Barack Obama, and that the United States would be flooded with money and that Romney would then go on to win a second term, because "God told him this."

🚩Not only did Mitt Romney lose that election to Barack Obama needless to say there was no second term!

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world...They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them." 1 John 4:1,6

4.) KEVIN ZADAI: "God has chosen Trump and established him in heaven to be our next president and it is up to us to pray his will on this Earth."

*God's will for the United States or this Earth will not be manifested unless we pray for it to take place.

🚩God does not need our permission or our help in regards to his will. Furthermore the sovereignty of God trumps foolishness of our prayers.

*The legislative Branch of this new Trump administration will be overturned and cleansed

🚩 Null and void

"the absolute truth that's in heaven regarding these things will come to Earth. it is up to us through our prayer to make these things happen."

🚩God would not would never entrust his absolute truth into the arms and hearts of a wicked generation when it comes to the implantation of his sovereignty upon the Earth. Our hands are too short and too filthy to contain his righteousness.

5.) FRANCIS MYLES: prophesied to Sid Roth and America that: "God showed him 2 November surprises, and that he also showed him who was going to win! (This was given to him as he worked with the infamous "Elijah list" clan, as he prepared for one of their conferences.

**Note the Elijah list is composed of a group of some of the most notorious false prophets known to this generation. Founded by Steve Schultz in 1997, and includes(ed)

the stylings of Catherine Brown, Chuck Pierce, Kim Clement, Kathie Walters and Victoria Boyson.

1.) "God took him into the spirit world and told him: "I'm going to release two September surprises that's going to change the destiny of this nation!... Many people are afraid that the country is moving radically to the left, (said God) and it looks like the 'progressive left' is going to win but the country is going to supernaturally shift to the 'right'.. these are the two things that I'm going to do (said the Lord) and you are going to see them play out in November!"

**"God said we are living in the days of Elijah and Jehu."

***"God said "I'm going to annoy the eunuchs who have been castrated by the political Spirit of Jezebel that runs America!"

2.) The second November surprise will be: The overwhelming number of African Americans that are going to vote for Trump,

that will win him this second term!"...(said God)

****God said: "I am speaking to the "alters" of Molech and Baal instructing them to let my people go!...(black folks) because it is controlling the collective mind of Black people and they are too plugged in."

***And this is the point of the prophecy intermix between Paul White and the African Prophet, Francis Myles. (Her fervent prayer invoking the Black ancestors in Africa, and calling upon "African Angels," and "South American Angels.) The prophecy of France's miles heard around the world, regarding African-Americans being bound to the Democratic party and likening their constriction to the party as the practices of Molech and Baal (abortion) are the very forces that Paula White was rebuking and calling upon in order that the "Black vote" would come through.

🚩 We do not control or have authority over angels Jesus gave us a perfect example in Matthew 26:53 I see faced death At The Cross:

"Do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?"

🚩Angels come from Heaven not Africa!!!

The very idea that God sees his children as Democratic or Republican is the result of horrific eisegesis and partisanship!

Throughout Francis Myles' whole prophetic rant every thought, annotation, and conception correlated his political views to what he said God told him. And every paragraph ended with the two words: "said God"

*"Donald Trump is God's choice he will win because he is standing on the righteous platform of pro-life, and pro-Christianity" ... said God.

🚩 Again, Donald Trump lost

7.) TRACY COOK: In his 'prophetic dream' eight months ago, Cook says that Trump got reelected, but Hillary Clinton led the Democrats in opposition against him.

🚩 Neither came true as a matter of fact, very little was heard or seen from Hillary Clinton during this election process.

*Again Cook appeared on panel with Sid Roth 2 months later, where he reiterated and prophesied God's choice for Trump as president stating that:

* "Prophetically Trump has done more for Israel than any other president.


*Trump's character, manipulation, sins, racism, disrespect for our judicial system, the Constitution, and the disenfranchisement of a race of people, has no place in the equation.

🚩 There are strangers in the land of Israel. And there is no way of understanding or knowing who the true Israelites are. The land is full of Hebrews, Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims, Zionists and Christians to name a few. All who have claimed the land for them and their ancestors.

🚩We should always pray for the true Israelites that they would obtain favor Mercy from God but we do not blindly trample over the ordinances of God nor the fulfillment of scripture through his son Jesus Christ.