The Dream Chasers
(Casting Down Imaginations)
~by Amber Rogers
It says a lot about a person when he cannot sit still. When he cannot be alone with his own thoughts and his own presence, when he is not at peace in the surroundings of his own making. The psychology of you is your truth. And the pathology within you speaks volumes. It is clear that you live in fear. You need things to be "back to normal" with great expediency because fear speaks to your empty places and this "haunting" makes you anxious, and sets your feet running to every tinkling cymbal which proclaims an answer. Your ears are super tuned to every "Word" that comes across your path and your sensory levels are peaked to tune into every alleged prophetic dream available. You have in fact become a dream chaser!
Every foretelling available in this modern-day calamity of racial upheaval and COVID-19, has you geeked! You "post and share" at a furious rate; reading and chasing after someone else's dreams and provocations. However, the voice of God and his direction is strangely missing. God is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. His modus operandi never changes. When studying prophecy, dreams and foretellings, there must be the common thread of biblical direction, the provision of a way out, and a call of repentance present from the Lord. Anything less is just not scriptural.
A prophecy (from the Greek word "propheteia") means: "a gift of interpreting the will of God." It is a message given to a prophet by God for His people. They involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of God's Divine will. And when given we should search the scriptures to see if what we have heard matches up with the word of God. 1John 4:1 (try the Spirit by the word of God.)
As believers we should be looking for prophetic fulfillment according to scripture, signs and fulfillment not an Evangelical's bipartisanship, or the political wave of the times. When a leader in the church, be it online or through the media constantly appeals to his constituents with the rhetoric of "God told me to tell you"... we have to be aware because the possibility of a dominant, controlling, spirit entering the atmosphere may be present; influencing our thoughts to that of the bearer's thoughts, processes, his vernacular, his ideologies, and ultimately his influence. When you add into this scenario a celebrity pastor, then the church, as a body, should take note. We should be catapulted from the position of 'dream chasers' to our rightful position as watchmen on the wall. At the slightest threat of infiltration, we should be ready to take his word to task with the ammunition of scripture as opposed to our feet running toward mischief and spreading untruths and being carried away with the salaciousness of the day. Our thoughts should quicken from folly to that of we wait to see the manifestation of this fruit. "Where is he coming from? Is this scriptural? Does this message line up with a true biblical prophetic dream?" Always remembering that dreams and visions in scripture offered insights into everyday realities or provided opportunities to transcend them. All these questions should invade our inner spirit with the red-siren of alert; because we understand the wiles of the devil!
Watchmen on the wall cannot be overly swayed by the political insurgences of the day, which seem to be a common theme running through the church right now; because God is neither Republican or Democrat. God is a God of holiness and righteousness. However, in this day we have forgotten the application and instruction of scripture and have taken on a "Yenta" spirit without the luxury of having vetted. Our overzealousness to hear a "word" or receive someone's dream as prophetic has become one of the church's biggest problems in this hour. Pastors are now burdened with re-directing this latter-day church from the frenzied, fiction of Conspiracy Theories back to the "terra firma" of righteousness!
Heresy is any belief or theory (conspiracy or otherwise) that is strongly at variance with the word of God. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs. If we were to take the time to read the old testament, we would know that God always had a word for his people but somehow that word was always "repent and turn" not this latter-day message of "God told me to tell you"... I admonish you today to submit to peace. Submit to the process and be made whole. Abide in His shadow during these days of "Coronavirus calamity" for a little while longer and allow the peace of God to cover you, protect you, and catapult you out as a true victor!
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven"...Ecclesiastes 3:1